Mosque Hopping Inward Istanbul

So y'all receive got read my impressions of the Blue Mosque inward 1 of my recent posts about Istanbul. It's the most famous, the most astonishing, but  also the most touristic of mosques inward Istanbul. The Blue Mosque is certainly the most impressive of the mosques inward the city, but it's likewise the busiest in addition to the 1 where its role almost gets lost among the endless lines of tourists who queue, receive got off their shoes, enquire for a scarf, receive got pictures, in addition to thence on.

also the most touristic of mosques inward Istanbul Mosque hopping inward Istanbul
Courtyard of the Blue Mosque
Mosques in Istanbul are free to larn inward fifty-fifty for non-Muslim people. It's non similar this everywhere: inward Morocco, for example, it is non permitted due to a dissimilar interpretation of a sura inward the Quran. During my v days inward Istanbul I likewise visited Süleymaniye Mosque, in addition to Rüstem Pasha Mosque, and every experience was unique. If from the exterior Istanbul mosques await a flake underwhelming, alongside their grey colouring in addition to overall similar appearance, the grounds in addition to the interior are ever a surprise.

Süleymaniye Mosque

Süleymnaniye Mosque is a large complex, thence visiting is a existent experience. You tin arrive at it alongside a pleasant 10-minute walk from Beyazit Square, next the street that borders the academy precints. The mosque was built inward the 16th century nether the reign of Sultan Suleyman to challenger Hagia Sophia, but it likewise draws on the Dome of the Rock inward Jerusalem.  Its architect, the unrivalled Sinan, is buried nearby.

also the most touristic of mosques inward Istanbul Mosque hopping inward Istanbul
Courtyard of Suleymaniye Mosque

When I visited, the cemetery was closed, thence I couldn't view the tombs of the Sultan in addition to of his married adult woman Roxelana.  However, I managed to peer through the gates in addition to receive got a duet of pictures. I had never seen a Muslim cemetery, in addition to I was surprised at how dissimilar the gravestones were from the ones I am used to.

also the most touristic of mosques inward Istanbul Mosque hopping inward Istanbul
Tombstone inward the graveyard of the mosque

The grounds of the mosque are actually beautiful: at that spot is a peaceful garden, and there is likewise a eatery inward a edifice that was 1 time annexed to the mosque in addition to was used every bit earth kitchen of the complex (imaret). As a thing of fact, Ottoman mosques were likewise used every bit charitable foundations, in addition to included things such every bit religious schools in addition to hamams. After visiting the mosque, which I flora harmonious in addition to exquisite, I opted to receive got a traditional omelette inward 1 of the humble but authentic restaurants nearby. I loved the fact that at that spot were real few tourists inward the expanse in addition to that the possessor didn't verbalize whatsoever English linguistic communication in addition to had to demonstrate me the price of my omelette on a slice of paper. This was thence dissimilar from Sultanahment that I could receive got been inward some other city! Nobody volition harass y'all inward this role of the city, quest where you're from or insisting on showing their merchandize.

also the most touristic of mosques inward Istanbul Mosque hopping inward Istanbul
The interior of Suleymaniye Mosque

I'll nation y'all a surreptitious close the omelette. I had a delicious omelette alongside tomatoes in addition to minced meat inward a Turkish eatery inward Vienna, in addition to I was trying to recreate that experience. I however haven't flora a house inward Istanbul that does 1 every bit delicious every bit that. Another curious thing is that the route where the eatery was located is known every bit "Addicts Alley" because the cafés hither 1 time sold opium in addition to hashish every bit good every bit hot beverages!

Rüstem Pasha Mosque

Another mosque that I visited during my remain inward Istanbul was Rüstem Pasha mosque, in addition to it couldn't endure to a greater extent than dissimilar from the other two. This pocket-size mosque is situated close Eminönü Dock, inward the Fatih district. Mind that it is non the big, but somehow unattractive, New Mosque, but some other 1 tucked betwixt some quondam in addition to slightly dilapidated buildings. I  climbed a twisted flying of stairs to arrive at it, which gave me the impression of a existent discovery. Rüstem Pasha Mosque was built inward the 16th century and it's decorated alongside Iznik tiles. If you're wondering who Rüstem Pasha was, he was a Grand Vizier to Sultan Suleyman in addition to likewise his son-in-law. The mosque itself is small, but cute. When y'all are inside, receive got a infinitesimal to locate the mihrab, the niche that indicates the management towards Mecca. Every Muslim somebody should pray inward that direction!

also the most touristic of mosques inward Istanbul Mosque hopping inward Istanbul
The interior of Rustem Pasha Mosque

The courtyard of this mosque is perfect for meditation. As a thing of fact, I sat on the marble inward the exterior porch in addition to rested for 10 or 15 minutes, thinking close the proficient vibes of this urban nitty-gritty in addition to of this edifice inward particular. They were likewise selling some Qurans, but they were non pushy. Some lightheaded people mean value that upon visiting a mosque some people would endeavour to purchase y'all into their religion: nil is further away from the existent experience. I dearest visiting mosques: taking off my shoes in addition to experience the soft carpets beneath my feet, land beingness careful that my scarf is inward the correct position!

also the most touristic of mosques inward Istanbul Mosque hopping inward Istanbul
Detail of Rustem Pasa Mosque
Which mosques receive got y'all visited inward Istanbul? I'd dearest to view mosques inward other countries to encounter if in addition to how they differ to the ones I saw during this trip!

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