4 Reasons Why I Am Caput Over Heels Inward Honey Alongside Paris

The architecture blew me away. The impeccable vogue of the elegant buildings, the astonishing in addition to perfect symmetries of Notre-Dame de Paris in addition to Sainte Chapelle, every bit good every bit the full general harmony of most of the city: inwards Paris it is difficult to respect buildings that clash i against the other. I loved the sloping roofs in addition to the elegant railings inwards the buildings of fundamental Paris, but also the stained windows of Gothic churches in addition to the innovative architecture of some of the most famous museums, such every bit the Musée d'Orsay in addition to the Louvre.

 The impeccable vogue of the elegant buildings four reasons why I am caput over heels inwards dearest amongst Paris
The Louvre edifice seen from the Tuileries gardens

 The impeccable vogue of the elegant buildings four reasons why I am caput over heels inwards dearest amongst Paris
Sainte Chapelle

I could gaze at shops forever. From boulangeries (bakeries) in addition to patisseries (cake shops), to the carefully-designed store windows inwards Galeries LaFayette, every store inwards Paris seemed to bring the perfect agency to demonstrate their trade amongst grace in addition to style. From buying a delicious butter croissant to browsing through minute paw mass shops inwards the Latin Quarter, Paris has something for everyone inwards damage of shopping. I'm hardly a shopping girl, but inwards Paris I couldn't halt admiring the sense of savor of Parisian people inwards everything from clothes to furniture. 

 The impeccable vogue of the elegant buildings four reasons why I am caput over heels inwards dearest amongst Paris
Shopping inwards Paris
 The impeccable vogue of the elegant buildings four reasons why I am caput over heels inwards dearest amongst Paris

The history yous breathe inwards every corner. In Paris I felt that the history was acquaint inwards every corner. From discovering that the straightaway modern Place de la Concorde amongst the giant bike was the site where during the French Revolution every dissenter, including Marie Antoinette, was guillotined, to walking through the streets of Montmartre on the steps of Toulouse-Lautrec, I felt that every pocket-size corner of the urban nitty-gritty had a storey behind it, in addition to ordinarily i that I had read about, seen inwards a flick in addition to highly identified with.  

 The impeccable vogue of the elegant buildings four reasons why I am caput over heels inwards dearest amongst Paris
Place de la Concorde, where many people were guillotined during the French Revolution
 The impeccable vogue of the elegant buildings four reasons why I am caput over heels inwards dearest amongst Paris
Notre Dame the Paris

The atmosphere. Is it those chairs lining the cobbled streets of Paris, serving endless steak frites in addition to poulet roti? Is it the delicious odour of the many bakeries, the chit-chat of the impeccably-dressed Parisians, or the art nouveau style of the underground stations? Is it the perfect scheme of boulevards in addition to monuments, or the iconic silhouette of the Tour Eiffel? The fact is that Paris exudes a certainly atmosphere that is difficult to describe.

 The impeccable vogue of the elegant buildings four reasons why I am caput over heels inwards dearest amongst Paris
Place des Vosges, i of the most atmospheric squares inwards Paris

 The impeccable vogue of the elegant buildings four reasons why I am caput over heels inwards dearest amongst Paris

If it wasn't clear, I actually loved this European capital, in addition to I can't believe I waited in addition to hence long to visit. What are the reasons that made YOU autumn inwards dearest amongst Paris?

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