Game-Changer: Ane Simply Variety Of Relocated To Barcelona!

Surprise! Perhaps you lot conduct maintain noticed that it has been tranquillity on the weblog together with inward my social media channels in the final 10 days. This is because I am inward Barcelona correct now and I intend to remain hither for a few months! I was looking for a apartment inward the by few days, together with similar a shot that I have one I'm trying to find a undertaking - something to pay the rent, non my dream job, because that is difficult to find.

A wheel has finished for me. I conduct maintain finished my PhD, together with at the same fourth dimension I had to motion out of my apartment inward Venice. Subsequently, I had to facial expression for both a novel apartment together with a job.
While Venice has been a non bad house to alive inward for a while, a skilful detox from chaotic London, where I used to alive earlier that, I experience that I demand a alter inward my life. In spite of the millions of tourists, Venice is a modest town, amongst a small-town mentality. I immature adult woman the international dimension of a city, the possibility of doing something novel every day, of exploring novel neighbourhoods, of having a broad choices of bars together with fiddling ethnic restaurants. I demand people that tin inspire me, amongst innovative ideas together with . Venice is gorgeous aesthetically, it has a non bad cultural offering peculiarly concerning fine art exhibitions together with theatre, but it tin hardly survive called a city.  

A cool bar inward Barcelona

Why Barcelona?

Barcelona is a metropolis I love, inward a province that I adore together with where I conduct maintain been several times, but simply on holiday. Barcelona has everything that I similar about London (I also lived at that topographic point for over a year): it's a vibrant city, multicultural, together with amongst a lot of things going on at all times. At the same time, it doesn't conduct maintain the disadvantages that I find close London: it's non equally big, for 1 thing, together with it doesn't conduct maintain that crap depressing weather. Moreover, people truly beak to each other, together with the nutrient is awesome!
Yes, I know that Kingdom of Spain is non the best province to relocate to correct now, because of the economical crisis, the unemployment, together with and then on. The truth is that I can't encounter myself living inward Berlin, but I tin easily ikon myself inward Barcelona. At to the lowest degree for a few months.

The Barceloneta beach

This is non a definite move. I am non leaving Venice forever. As 1 of my wise friends say, Venice is the perfect house to provide to. I intend to remain at that topographic point a few months, together with encounter what (or where) this experience takes me.

Selling fruit at La BoquerĂ­a market

You can expect updates from Barcelona: its cool bars, its hidden gems, its world-famous nighttime life together with its culture. Let's encounter if I besides get upward to take in other pars of Catalonia together with Spain!

Arc de Triomf

Do you lot similar Barcelona? Have you lot been? What strikes you lot the most close this city?

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